
We will continue learning our cursive uppercase letters by using the videos listed below.

Monday - March 23.  Watch the videos and then complete pp 106/107
Tuesday - March 24. Watch the videos and then complete page 108-109
Wednesday, March 25
Watch the video and then complete pages 110/111
Thursday, March 26
Do assessment pages 112/113
Friday, March 27
Coopy Romans 5:8 in cursive on handwriting paper.
Wednesday, April 1
Continue learning uppercase cursive using the videos
do pp 115/116
Thursday, April 2
Watch video and do pp 117/118
Friday, April 3
Copy Matthew 28:6 in cursive on the handwriting paper
Monday, April 6
Watch the video and do page 119  
Tuesday, April 7
Do assessment pages 120/121
Wednesday, April 8
Watch the video and do pp 122/123   
Thursday, April 9
Write Mark 4:41 in cursive on the handwriting paper in your packet.
Friday, April 10 and Monday, April 13 - Easter Break - no school
Tuesday, April 14
Watch the videos and then do pp 124/125
Wednesday,  April 15
Watch the video and then do page 126 and 127 - the assessment page
Thursday, April 16
Do assessment pages 128/129
Friday, April 17
No new assignment today
Tear out and return pp 115-129  in your packet today.
Monday, April 20 -  Watch demonstration video and do pg 131    Zaner Bloser I
Tuesday, April 21 - Watch demonstration video and do pg 132  Zaner Bloser J
Wednesday, April 22 - Watch the demonstration video and do pg 133 Zaner Bloser Q
Thursday, April 23 - Watch the demonstration video and do pg 134  Zaner Bloser T
Friday, April 24 - Copy John 6:38 in cursive on Handwriting paper
Monday, April 27   Watch the demonstration video and then do p 135        Zaner Bloser F
Tuesday, April 28  Do assessment pages 136/137
Wednesday, April 29  Watch the demonstration video and then do p 138    Zaner Bloser G 
Thursday, April 30   Watch the demonstration video and then do p. 139      Zaner Bloser S
Friday, May 1   Write II Corinthians 5:17 in cursive on Handwriting paper
Monday, May 4  Watch the demonstration video and then do pg 140  'L'  Zaner Bloser L
Tuesday, May 5  Watch the demonstration video and then do pg 141  'P'  Zaner Bloser P
Wednesday, May 6  Watch the demonstration video and then do p 142  'R'  Zaner Bloser R
Thursday,  May 7  Watch the demonstration video and then do p 143  'B'    Zaner Bloser B
Friday, May 8  Copy your verse in cursive on Handwriting paper    Psalm 24:10
Monday, May 11  Do assessment page 144/145
Tuesday, May 12   Do assessment pages 148/149
Wednesday, May 13  Do page 164
Thursday, May 14 Do page 165
Friday, May 15   Write John 14:2-3 on handwriting paper
Return the Handwriting book with your packet today.
Monday, May 18  None today.
Tuesday, May 19   None today.
Wednesday, May 20  Write your verse in cursive on Handwriting paper   II Corinthians 9:7
Thursday, May  21   None today
Friday, May 22  None today.
Monday, May 25  No School
Tuesday, May 26    None
Wednesday, May 27   Write Proverbs 20:11 in cursive on Handwriting paper.
Thursday, May 28   None
Friday, May 29     Finished !!!!