This week we will be going over sentence structure. Each lesson will include a video. Before you begin each day, get the worktext page out that we will be going over. We will do the front side together and then you will complete the back on your own. Your parents can check it and you can correct anything that is wrong.. Do the white page on your own and them put it back in the packet to return to me.
Monday - Lesson 135 Workext pages 277/278 Complete the white page "Sentence Parts"
Tuesday, March 24
Lesson 136 worktext pp 279/280 White page titled "Predicate Part: Action Verbs"
Follow the procedure from Monday.
Wednesday, March 25 - Lesson 137
Worktext pages 281/282 White page titled "Predicate Part: Linking Verbs"
Follow the same procedure out lined on Monday.
Thursday, March 26 Lesson 138
Worktext pages 283/284 White page titled "Subjects"
Follow the same procedure as outlined on Monday.
Friday, March 27 Lesson 139
Worktext pp 285/286 White page titled "Practice".
There is no video for this lesson as it is a review. They do both the front and back and you can check it over. They can correct it. Then complete the white page and put it in the packet.
Wednesday, April 1
Lesson 140
Have worktext pages 287/288 out and follow along as you do them. After completed, do white page titled "Combining Sentences".
Thursday, April 2
Lesson 141
Have your worktext pages 289/290 out. Watch the lesson and work on it as we speak. Complete the back and then do the white page titled "More Combining"
Friday, April 3
Lesson 142
Have your worktext pages 291/292 out to be able to do them as you listen to the lesson. After the front and back are completed, do the white page titled "Run-on Sentences.
Monday, April 6
Lesson 143
Have your worktext pages out and ready to listen to the lesson and complete them. After they are completed, do white page titled "Expanding Sentences".
Tuesday, April 7
Lesson 144
This is a practice/review lesson for the last several days. They should be able to do this with little help, but be available to help if necessary.
Do not do the white page today.
Wednesday, April 8
Do the white page for yesterday's practice lesson. They should be able to do it with no help!!
Thank you.
There are no video or live lessons for English this week as it is all review/Test/papers.
Thursday, April 9
Unit 13 Chapter review pp 297/298
No White page
Friday, April 10 and Monday, April 13
No School - Easter Break
Tuesday, April 14
Do Chapter review white page
Wednesday, April 15
Take Chapter 13 test
Thursday, April 16
Do Cummulative review pp 299/300
Friday, April 17
Do the Journal Entry on page 301. Think carefully before you write and remember, a paragraph has 4 complete sentences.
Return pages 287-301 and all whites pages and the Test for Chapter 13
Monday, April 20 Lesson 161
Join me for a live lesson Have pp 325/326 ready. After class, do your white page.
Tuesday, April 21, Lesson 162
Watch the video and do the pages with me, Then complete your white page.
Wednesday, April 22 Lesson 163
Watch the video with pages 329/330. Do the page with me. After the lesson, finish p 330 and the white page.
Thursday, April 23 Lesson 164
Join me live and we will talk about Catalog search. Have your white page.
Friday, April 24 Lesson 165
Read your white page on using technology. Complete it the best your can and we will finish the lesson on Monday.
Monday April 27 Lesson 166 Watch the video and then do p 331/332
Tuesday, April 27 Lesson 167 Join me live with pp 333/334 We will do these pages together.
Wednesday, April 28 Lesson 168 Watch the video with pp 335/336 Then, complete the white page.
Thursday, April 30 Join me live and we will begin the research project. Have your Zebra information with you.
Friday, May 1 Lesson 169 Join me live with pp 339/340 as we begin how to research.
Monday, May 4 Lesson 170 Join me live with pp 341/342 to begin your research project.
Tuesday, May 5 Lesson 171/172 Join me live with p. 343 to be able to plan your report.
Wednesday, May 6 Complete the planning phase of your report on p 344. No live or video today for English - just seatwork.
Thursday, May 7 Lesson 173/174 Join me live and we will begin the draft of your research report.
Friday, May 8 There is no live or video lesson today. Finish the draft of your report that we began yesterday.
Monday, May 11 Lessons 175/76 Join me live as we talk about how to revise your paper.
Tuesday, May 12 Finish revising your paper.. Your parents will need to help with this. Notice the directions on the assignment page to know what to look for.
Wednesday, May 13 Lesson 177 Join me live as we talk about proofreading your paper. Your parents may help with this as you look for punctuation errors, capitalization and spelling errors.
Thursday, May 14 Lesson 178/179 Start the published copy of your paper.. Be sure to indent your paragraphs, make your corrections and write your neatest in cursive..
Friday, May 15 Finish your published copy of your paper and then make a cover for it. See the example on page 351.
Be sure it is done neatly and be ready to turn it in next week.
Monday, May 18 Lesson 180 Cumulative review pp 353/354 Also be sure your paper is complete including the cover page. YOU ARE FINISHED WITH ENGLISH!!
Tuesday, May 19 None Be sure you have all your "textbook" pages and all your work on your paper and your Published copy in the English folder ready to turn in.
Wednesday, May 20 None
Thursday, May 21 None
Friday, May 22 None
Monday, May 26- Friday, May 29
No work assigned - English is complete.