About CCA » Mission Statement & Student Outcomes

Mission Statement & Student Outcomes

 Core Values

Our goal and mission is to be a conservative Bible-centered educational ministry of Canaan Bible Chapel which desires to work in harmony with Christian parents to provide quality, godly, disciplined instruction to equip students to become distinctive Christian citizens and leaders.

Our philosophy about Education is

  • Christian students learning the truth about all subject matter from Christian teachers who love their students and can teach effectively
  • A thoroughly biblical view of the world and life in the context of a solid academic environment. God’s Word, the Bible, is our unchanging standard for determining the truth. (John 17:17)
  • An education that is Christ-centered as opposed to the world-oriented philosophy of self-centered, humanistic instruction.
  • Educational programs, curriculum, and methods of instruction biblically framed so that the student may rightly interpret the facts encountered in the study of all subjects.


Academically, we focus on math and science, computers and technology, fine arts, language arts, history and the Bible. Through special projects, activities and events, students are able to develop and use their individual talents and abilities. We believe personal excellence honors God and motivates students to do and be their best.

Spiritually, the Bible is taught each day either in Bible Class or the Wednesday Chapel Service. These support the scripture-based teachings that occur in the classrooms and provide students with a daily opportunity to focus on their individual faith and walk in Christ. A personal relationship with Christ, a Biblical worldview and ongoing spiritual growth are the center of our educational process.

Personally, our students are taught the value and responsibility of their God-given role in society, family, and church.  Character, team spirit, and leadership are as important as excellence in performance.

Expected Student Outcomes

We expect Canaan Christian students to grow to:

  • Have a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as personal Saviour;
  • Be lifelong, devoted followers of Jesus Christ and his Word, the Bible;
  • Develop the personal and academic skills that instill respect for authority, confidence in self, and faith in God to face life’s challenges and opportunities;
  • Be prepared academically to succeed in higher education or a vocation that will equip them to be independent, productive young adults;
  • Be grounded in God’s Word and develop a Christ-centered lifestyle;
  • Reach beyond themselves into the community and even the world with their abilities, talents and their faith.